Wednesday, May 5, 2010

no double, but maybe a single

I was too consumed by Lost last night (wtf) to even think about white strips. There were tears; copious amounts of tears and I won't post any spoilers but, really?

I'm supposed to go to softball practice tonight but it appears someone has lost my glove. I lent to another girl on the team for our exhibition game that I was unable to make it to. Now she doesn't remember who she gave it to, frustrating. I lugged my sneakers and a change of clothes all the way to work. I hope she manages to find it before our official games start (5/11 - Let's Go Lions!). To be honest, I am trying to not let this bother me as much as it does. Missing practice is fine, but my missing glove kind of gets my goat. You would just think that people would treat a borrowed item with more respect.

Along the lines of softball, Steve got me the best birthday ever! We're going to the Red Sox (yay!) play the Phillies (boo!) later this month. We have great seats and I can't wait to go. It may be a little scary to be there in my Red Sox gear. Phillies phans can be really wild. We haven't been to a baseball game together so I'm very much looking forward to. Going to baseball games has to be on my top ten favorite things to do of all time so getting to finally go to one with my favorite person of all time is just that much more exciting.

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