It was a great Cinco de Mayo. My friend Michelle and I had "Tina Fey" s at a bar local to my house. We were on our way back to mi casa for some rock band, Lost re-runs, and Mike's Hard Lemonade. Then we stumbled upon Legion's $4 Margaritas. Well, we had to stop by for at least one $4 Marg. How do you deny that kind of deal? I think it may be physically impossible.
We watched Lost (a re-watch for me, first time for Michelle) and then after our Jears, Bears, and Mears, we managed to squeeze in the latest Law and Order: SVU. I am just watching the news and stripping my bottom teeth, but I felt proud enough to show off what was going on with the top - looks much better, eh?
PS. The news? Terrifying. I botched bomb attempt in Times Square this weekend and then tonight there is an abandoned U-Haul leaking fuel on the RFK bridge. It's been unclaimed for over an hour. The bridge is closed and who knows when it will be re-opened. Some people are saying that law enforcement is over reacting. I think after this weekend and the failed bombing, we should think twice before we question our police, but that's just me.
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