I don't know what is going on with my internal system but my sleeping habits have been struggling for the past two weeks. I go to sleep, it is completely unrestful and I wake up a cranky, haggard looking mess complete with under-eye circles and frowns. Then I chug a giant red bull to ease my exhaustion. This morning was no exception and I am full of cranky. My red bull is hurting my teeth, we were out of Claritin this morning and my Excedrin migraine has yet to kick in. Whine, whine, double whine. Feel bad for me! Please? At least today is like Friday. It's Shavuot so, I don't have to work tomorrow or Thursday. Thursday are our engagement pictures (so I better figure out a way to get a good night's sleep)!
Michelle is coming over tonight to start Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 2 and watch Lost. FYI: I have a critical obsession with 1990's television. Right now I'm simultaneously re-watching all season of the X-Files and initiating myself into BTVS. I'm not an uber-dweeb, I swear (OK, yes I am). Before she arrives, I will probably be plowing through my wardrobe trying to figure out what to wear. Brian suggested one casual outfit and one dressier outfit. That does not help me, someone hire me a stylist!
Tomorrow Monster is getting his hair did and I am getting mani/pedis with Colleen. We will gossip about boys and be total haters and enjoy lattes. That is about as Sex in the City my life will ever get, I'm really not so chic. After lattes and manicures, Colleen is going to help me learn how to put on fake eyelashes. I did my usual product research and discovered that the bang for the buck is at Sephora. I got their brand of re-usable (suggested to be used 3-4 times if you're not using mascara, 2 times if you are) eye lashes. I have never worn fake eyelashes, but I wanted to try them out for the photo shoot. Why? Because it's fun! I'm pretty lazy when it comes to make up on the daily, so I think maybe a mini spruce up could provide me with some entertainment. I also want to get a feel for how I like them. I haven't even started looking for my hair and make-up artist for the big day but I want to know what I like and what I can handle.
So: wardrobe, fingers and toes, eyelashes....and beyond. I have a feeling that the eyelash experiment is going to be a hilarious (and possibly dangerous) one.
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